Monday 26 October 2020



1. Draw a mind map of Halloween.  Include everything you know about this holiday.

2. Are there any holidays in your country that are similar to Halloween?  Explain.

3. What do you know about the origins of Halloween?  How did it start?

4. Watch the video.  Are any of your ideas in the video?  What are they?

5.  Watch the video again and answer the questions below.

a. Who were the first people to celebrate Halloween?
b. Where did people first start celebrating Halloween?
c. When did they first celebrate Halloween?
d. What was Halloween called in the beginning?
e. What did this festival mean?  Why did they celebrate it?
f.  Who honoured the goddess Pomona and commemorated the passing of the dead?
g. Who changed the name to All Saints Day?
h. Where does the name "Halloween" come from?
i.  How did Halloween become an American tradition?
j.  How much money do Americans spend on costumes and candy every year?
k. Which is the most expensive American holiday?


Chapter 10 - Halloween


Read pages 170 and 171, then complete the activities below.

1.  What problems is Harry having when we first start reading on page 170?

2.  Find words that mean the following on pages 170-171:

- floating

- move very fast

- consolation, comfort

- the joint between the hand and arm

- sit near the edge of something

- move through the air making a soft sound

- hit something with a short sudden movement

- push somebody or something with your finger

3. Identify some regular past simple verbs and classify them according to the pronunciation of their endings.


4.  Who are work partners in Professor Flitwick's class?

Read pages 172 and 173. 

5. Find words or expressions on pages 172 and 173 for the following:

 - when you don't like someone 

- see someone for a short moment

- surprised

- when aren't present or don't come

- accidentally hear something

- uncomfortable

- run very fast

- lots of delicious food

- lose consciousness

- not get separated

- bend down suddenly


6.  How are the decorations in the book different to the ones in the film?


7.  How does Dumbledore silence everyone?


8.  Explain in your own words what a dungeon is.


Read from page 172 to 179. 

9.  Read the description of the troll on page 174 and draw a description.


10.  Identify some irregular past simple verbs on page 175 and write their infinitive forms.  What do they mean?


11.  Find examples of the past perfect tense on page 176.


12.  Find an expression that means "not be able to breath properly".


13.  Find an expression on page 177 that means "to confront or solve a problem"


14.  What expression on page 178 means "to look down in shame and embarrassment"?


15.  What differences are there between the book and film?

16.  Explain how Hermione, Harry and Ron became friends in this chapter.


Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by Janine on Scribd