




Thursday, 1 October 2020

Let's Begin.


Talk about this picture.

- How does it make you feel?

- What is the emoji thinking?

- Create your own representation of 2020.  Tell the class about it.

1.  What did you do during your holidays?

2.  How have things changed since the onset of the COVID 19 pandemic?

3.  What have you been doing in your English classes since school started?

4.  What are your plans for this school year?

5.  How do you think this pandemic will evolve?

6.  What do you think of people who don't take precautions like wearing a mask or maintaining a safe distance?

7.  What advice would you give young people who want to have fun but also stay safe during the pandemic?

8.  If they developed a vaccine before next summer, what travel plans would you make?

9.  If you could restart 2020, what would you change?  What would you keep the same?

10.  Have you learnt anything valuable from the COVID 19 pandemic?